Monday, February 23, 2015

Fun run for the disabled

Thousands of faces beamed with joy as the wheelchairs rolled forward at Bandra-Kurla Complex on Sunday morning. The event, organised by IL&FS, was a fun run for the disabled. Nearly 4,000 physically challenged people took part in it

No respite from congestion at Parel station soon

The pain thousands of commuters using the congested Parel station have to endure is not about to end anytime soon. While the plan for a Rs 80 crore suburban at Parel is still full of ifs and buts, the railways does not have any immediate plans to bring in short-term relief either.

What is the hurdle?
DNA has learnt that despite the daily footfall touching 90,000, there are no plans of building a platform on the west side of the slow line number one or to widen platform 1/2. While there is a plan for the latter, it is only as part of the Parel Terminus project and not a ‘standalone’ measure, said a senior railway official.
“In 2011, there was a plan to create a platform on the western edge of the down slow line so that trains coming from CST and halting at platform number 1 could have had double discharge. It was the easiest solution at the time, the talk of a full-fledged suburban terminus at Parel did more harm than good. It has been almost five years and nothing has moved on the ground expect a little-used foot-overbridge on the northern end of the station,” said a CR official.

What is holding up work on Parel terminus?
Another official said that the chances of a terminus at Parel is also looking bleak because a large section of CR officials opine that having a terminus at Parel as well as Dadar, which is just a kilometer away, makes little sense. “The Parel terminus will not add anything as far as train numbers are concerned. So it is better to spend the money on Dadar,” said an official.

What do rly ministry officials think?
As reported by DNA in its January 21 edition, there is already a line of thought among senior railway ministry officials that the Parel terminus needs to be built only if the 5th and 6th line to be constructed between Kurla and CST cannot be taken all the way to CST due to land problems between Byculla and CST.

Has railways exhausted all its options?
In order to tide over this land problem, the Mumbai Rail Vikas Corporation had sent a proposal to the Rani Jadhav Committee currently looking into ways of redeveloping Mumbai Port Trust land. it calls for using port land near P D’mello road to shift the harbour line between Sandhurst Road and CST and the utilise the space as the 5th and 6th line. “This alternative could take several years to materialise as it involves port land and a lot of heavy-duty engineering. Till such time we know whether this plan is a success or failure, there would be no movement on the Parel terminus work,” said a CR official.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Sea is inside earth?

Sea is inside earth?

‘या, माझ्यावर बलात्कार करा’, तरुणीचं खुलं आवाहन

संपूर्ण देशभरात महिला सुरक्षेचा प्रश्न ऐरणीवर आला आहे. स्त्रियांवर होणाऱ्या बलात्काराच्या घटना दिवसागणिक वाढत आहेत. अगदी तीन महिन्याच्या चिमुरडीपासून 90 वर्षांच्या स्त्रीवरही बलात्कार झाल्याच्या घटना समोर आल्या आहेत.

मानवतेला कलंक लावणाऱ्या या घटना दिवसेंवदिवस वाढत आहेत. बलात्कार करणाऱ्यांमध्ये मानवतेचा अंशही नसतो. बस, ट्रेन, रिक्षा किंवा रस्त्यावरुन जाणाऱ्या स्त्रीकडे नेहमीच कामवासनेने पाहिले जाते. दुर्दैवाने आपला समाजही या घटनांविरोधात म्हणावा तितका जागरुक दिसत नाही.

समाजाच्या याच बेफिकीरीवर आणि बलात्कार करणाऱ्या नराधमांच्या विरोधात आवाज उठवला आहे माधुरी देसाई या तरुणीने. ‘आओ, मेरा रेप करो’ असे उपरोधिक आवाहन माधुरी देसाई हिने एका व्हिडिओतून केले आहे.

अभिनेत्री राधिका आपटेचे कथित न्यूड फोटो सोशल मीडियावर व्हायरल

मुंबई : आता पुन्हा एकदा सोशल मीडियामुळे सेलिब्रिटीची प्रायव्हसी धोक्यात आली आहे. ‘लय भारी’फेम मराठी अभिनेत्री राधिका आपटेचे कथित न्यूड फोटो सोशल मीडिया आणि व्हॉट्सअॅपवर व्हायरल झाले आहेत.

राधिका आपटे मराठीसह बॉलिवूड सिनेमांमधील नावाजलेली अभिनेत्री आहे. नुकतेच तिने अभिनेता रितेश देशमुखसह लय भारी या सिनेमामध्ये काम केले आहे. याआधी तुषार कपूरसह ‘शोर इन द सिटी’मध्येही अभिनय केला आहे. शिवाय आगामी ‘बदलापूर’ आणि ‘हंटर’ या सिनेमांमध्येही राधिका आपटे दिसणार आहे.

सिनेजगतातील सिनेतारकांचे न्यूड फोटो किंवा एमएमएस सोशल मीडियावर व्हायरल होण्याची ही पहिलीच घटना नाही. याआधी अभिनेत्री मोना सिंगचा एमएमएस व्हायरल झाल्याची घटना घडली होती.

दरम्यान, सोशल मीडियावर व्हायरल झालेले फोटो मॉर्फ केलेले असून, ते माझे फोटो नाहीत, असे अभिनेत्री राधिका आपटेने स्पष्ट केले आहे.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FIR registered 25 days after woman robbed of phone

FIR registered 25 days after woman robbed of phone

The Parksite police on Tuesday registered an FIR, 25 days after a 23-year-old woman was robbed of her mobile by a biker who threatened her with chopper in Vikhroli. TOI had first reported the case of burking by a police officer (Morning walker robbed of phone, February 3). Legal experts asked why the cops waited for the media to take up the issue. Sub-inspector Suresh Naik told Neelima Shahi on Tuesday morning to record her statement at the police station. “If I would have not approached my colleague working in the media, I would have not known the difference between a missing certificate and an FIR.Naik handed over the certificate, which I thought was an FIR. Had he reacted promptly , the accused could have been caught when I told him on January 26 that someone was accessing my home wi-fi through my stolen mobile,“ Shahi told TOI.
Shahi has gone for a morning walk near the Kailas Complex stretch, which connects Vikhroli and Hiranandani Gardens, in Powai on January 9.The biker followed her and kept honking for her to stop. When she did not, he blocked her way with his bike. He threatened her and told her to hand over the mobile if she did not want to be harmed. “I have stopped going for morning walks after that. Anything could have happened that day . The police helpline was of no use in the emergency ,“ she alleged.
Deputy commissioner of police (zone VII) Vinaykumar Rathod said they had called the victim to register an FIR to take action to track down the accused. Rathod said, “It is unacceptable. Necessary steps will be taken.“
Former IPS officer-turnedlawyer Y P Singh said it was a serious violation of Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, which mandates that an FIR has to be registered immediately after information is received at a police station. A copy of the FIR also has to be provided to the complainant, he said. The officer could face criminal prosecution, in addition to departmental action, for such lapses.
If a robbery on the street is not a fit case for registering an FIR, then what is?
Instances like this lead us to doubt the veracity of the National Crime Records Bureau stats we are fed annually.

`If Metro railway is built along coastal road, then its 2nd line & water transport plan may be shelved'

`If Metro is built along coastal road, then its 2nd line & water transport plan may be shelved'

The proposed water transport project between Nariman Point and Borivli and the city's second Metro line may not be needed if a new mass rapid transit system is planned along the coastal road. Chief minister Devendra Fadnavis is mulling over the addition of a Metro corridor to the proposed 36-km-long coastal corridor along the west coast (from Bandra to Kandivli).
“Fadnavis is keen on the project as a `Metro on the ground', except for three underground stretches at Juhu, Bandra and Malabar Hill, will be cheaper than the proposed second Metro line, which will be completely underground,“ said a senior official.
The second Metro line's cost has been pegged at more than Rs 24,000 crore. “If a Metro is planned along the coastal road between Nariman Point and Borivli, then we may have a rethink (about water transport and second Metro line). An in tegrated study to understand pros and cons has been commissioned.However, such a change may not affect the third Metro corridor between Colaba and SEEPZ,“ said a Mantralaya source. The government is keen on building a Metro network along the coastal road to discourage Mumbaikars from travelling in private vehicles and reduce congestion and pollution.The existing coastal road plan has incorporated the bus rapid transit system to facilitate easier commute. “The existing lines have been decided by various consultants such as Delhi Metro Rail Corporation after studying the city's existing and future commuter movement thoroughly . If the commuters in the western parts are encouraged to use the Metro planned along coastal road, then the burden on the existing suburban route will reduce. Commuters on the eastern section of the western suburbs can travel easily through the suburban railway or the 3rd Metro line,“ a source added.
However, some urban planners fear that the Metro will affect toll connection on the coastal route.