Here you will get Mumbai local train map, Local train time table, Western railway time table, Indian railway time table
Some time you don't know which route to prefer while traveling between different lines in Mumbai. e.g. you can travel from Ambernath to Virar via kopar and can save 1 hr time by reaching early.Second e.g is Panvel to Virar. There can be many routes Between Panvel to Virar.Find all possible routes between any stations in Mumbai http://www.mumbailocaltrains.comApart from this, you can find timetable of Mumbai stations and all routes (Western, Central, Harbour ....)
Some time you don't know which route to prefer while traveling between different lines in Mumbai.
ReplyDeletee.g. you can travel from Ambernath to Virar via kopar and can save 1 hr time by reaching early.
Second e.g is Panvel to Virar. There can be many routes Between Panvel to Virar.
Find all possible routes between any stations in Mumbai
Apart from this, you can find timetable of Mumbai stations and all routes (Western, Central, Harbour ....)